Friday, May 25, 2007
Bottom Of Left Foot Is Numb
The Country comes today with a unpublished photographs of Hitler, the man ... , And a column Juan Jose Millas, which is not wasted on Aznar, the man ...
the campaign is finished.
The gull is a scavenger.
And it rains and rains.
I'll vote, but our politicians do not deserve it, our future together.
For suppuesto, I WILL NOT VOTE TO PP, and you?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Watch Peliculas En Espanol Online
Whenever, who was (and incredibly) Prime Minister of Spain for 8 years, opens his mouth produces more fear. Accustomed to selling him the worst image of Spain abroad, we must now hear his last statements [reproduce a fragment of the text published in El País today]:
The honorary president of the PP, which performs a parallel campaign to the party leader, Mariano Rajoy, and will not match him in any act forcefully broke yesterday in the final with a controversial statement at a rally in Calatayud (Zaragoza): "Zapatero has gotten half of Spain does not accept the other half. And that led us to the worst in our history for 70 years is the political scheme you want to repeat now. I want to ask that these elections do not forget that. Every vote that does not come to the PP will be used precisely for this policy of exclusion. And this policy of exclusion is precisely what the English had passed in the democratic transition that had outperformed over 30 years. "Efe agency interpreted the obvious: that Aznar had accused Zapatero of Spain to carry back to the Civil War. Aznar sent a disclaimer: "At no time during my speech I mentioned the term civil war." However, he said "70 years", that is, 1937, during the Civil War. Something similar happened when the former president criticized the campaign the DGT can not drive for you, and then said he had been misunderstood.
even hardened
Aznar his speech by asking more electoral support for his party: " Every vote that is not going to be a vote for PP that ETA is in institutions."
to be reminded that José María Aznar which led to the English Civil War was a military coup led by a traitor general and supported by the fascists who finished with a legally constituted democratic government to build a forty-year ignominious dictatorship.
Aznar's words insulted all English democratic parties and our intelligence, not out of context or manipulated (also has broadcast the video in different ways). Maybe it votes received by the PP's to be worried, some leaders are distorting reality beyond any limit . Aznar afraid, very afraid.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
How Long To Keep Marzetti Coleslaw
Presentation The heart of the limo, Javier Cubero
Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJune 11
Southern Parallel Editions just published
heart limo, Javier Cubero
can buy on line here. No additional shipping charges. Also for sale at The Central .
The official presentation will take place at the University of Barcelona
next June 11, 2007 at 19 h.
The book will be presented by Eduardo Moga
poet and poetry critic [
Friday, May 4, 2007
Indian Boobs Without Cloths
to make other statements not waste . It was easy to assume that ever drink wine, you can assume that right now most often used to forget ...
To forget his articles extolling youth and questioning the Franco democracy.
to forget that under President said that he did not work in Spain was not wanting.
to forget that it was a photo in the Azores and got us into a war with false arguments.
To forget the laughter and applause of the people when we got into the war.
To forget his Texan accent in public and in private conversations Catalan.
To forget the weapons of mass destruction nonexistent.
To forget their lies after the attack in Madrid. Acebes
to forget that miserable called us to suspect that they were hiding a truth.
To forget their attendance at events with flags from another scheme and the national anthem.
to forget that they say theirs that suffer temporary blindness that obscures flags.
to forget that they voted for a constitution then considered untouchable. To forget the salary
To forget any pool of Mallorca.
To forget the interests of Zaplana.
To forget that no one will ask forgiveness for the centuries of Arab presence in the Iberian Peninsula.
To forget his many other statements or his last trip to Russia.
to forget that his government launched campaigns such as those now criticizes.
to forget that no one else ever used terrorism as an electoral weapon.
To forget you should be ashamed ...
worst thing is that there is election campaign and will have to continue drinking. Others grew
The others did not need wine to red.
And maybe we call red. Will
statements on the bottle one of these days?
Let's drink to forget.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Farmville On Blackberry?
demonstrations against 9 and 10 March in Spain From
too long ago, the Popular Party has taken the path of the worst imaginable extreme right and has become a threat to peaceful coexistence between the English and the credibility of democratic institutions. Too many People's Party members who had responsibility for the dictatorship of Franco, too many descendants and heirs of those forty years of shame and injustice. Again seems to be true that the mountain leopard.
Aznar and his party, turning a deaf ear to the cries of the street lies involved with the English people in an unjust war like Iraq, is not that terrorism? The answer came with a bloody attack that hit Madrid, terrorism equally infamous People's Party increased its capacity for manipulation and deceit and lost the election.
Before that, Aznar had spoken with ETA and had yielded to their demands as it has been shown publicly, but the current president is prevented from doing the same, you slander and seeks its overthrow by any means. In the English parliament, senators prevented PP with shouts and insults that Zapatero explain his reasons, an unworthy and shameful spectacle. Never before has used terrorism as an electoral weapon.
witnessing an attempted overthrow of democratic principles, the symbols are manipulated and distorted reality. Tomorrow we could tell the exact amount of fascists living in Spain were it not for the large number of naive uninformed that will for the enjoyment of food handlers. Rajoy, Acebes, Aznar and many others have crossed the lines of what irresponsible democracy. Defend freedom
morning involves allowing the street go the hosts of the deep and wild Spain, which has always distorted history and we are condemned to backwardness and the yoke of the chiefs and gentlemen. Defender morning freedoms should mean staying home, not going along with these flags stained lies. Do not be complicit in the harassment and demolition on the street to a president elected in a democracy.
People of good will should continue to respect the blue ribbon pacifist now litter the enemies of freedom and hope that sanity returns, it appears a sensible voice in a party that undermines our institutions and our society.
of acts like those of today and tomorrow could only benefit the terrorist apparatus of ETA, which is given an extra role.
Our voice must be expressed at the polls and the politicians in institutions, the People's Party rejected the dialogue, do not follow the game.
against all forms of terrorism and handling, because we have the right to live in peace.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
License Hologram Removal
ETA has misled the president of Spain and has come to kill, it was logical to think that parties would be put next to the victims and the English Government, but no, there is a party that is unwilling to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. A party
installed in systematic harassment in the lie, treachery, in the attack on the foundations of any democracy. There is a party that also wants no historical memory, perhaps because their ranks there is still a former Franco minister and many descendants of that dictatorship. A party that touches the approaches of the most reactionary right.
Mariano Rajoy said yesterday the President "If you do not meet their commitments, we will bomb, and if no bomb is because it has yielded." Can you run for president of a State who is capable of such baseness? Rajoy has learned well from certain obnoxious characters who like to surround themselves with what the slander, that thing is ...
too many years ago that certain characters in the PP exercise mechanisms of the harassment and the perverse strategy has finished using up policy terrorism as an electoral weapon. Disunity only benefits ETA, the PP is against the consensus, with whom is it? Certainly not with the democratic parties.
Mariano Rajoy said today that to be president should be required "something more than be an adult and English" and it is true, to be president should have the capacity for dialogue, loyalty and respect that he has.
Yes I am against ETA, which is why I will support José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the other democratic parties, and anyone who defends the dialogue. I hope the voters of this country remember who you are those who insist, in one way or another, to break the rules. Spain needs new elections, not have another president, but for a democratic and responsible opposition.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Colonial Life Insurance Pregnancy
says Javier Cercas on the last Sunday supplement of El Pais that " a story is just one long joke " but I just do not see the grace to their stories, to Soldiers Salamina or insignificant those articles published in that newspaper.
However, in the same article from which I extract the sentence he writes, speaking of Sergi Pamies and since his last book is not yet translated into Castilian, "read in Catalan will cost much less effort than the chills and laughs and the emotion that holds . "
not without his grace the "praise."
427 Ss Concept For Sale

For Carlos Gimenez Soria
Pontecorvo, born on November 19, 1919 in Pisa, was the pioneer in this popular subgenre film along the Neapolitan Francesco Rosi (Salvatore Giuliano , hands over the city ) and the Greco-Constantin Costa-French Gavras (Z , Missing ). After starting out as a documentary, debuted in the field of film with the sea Prisoner (1957), a story about the problems with the authorities of a fisherman who uses dynamite to catch its prey. His second film Kapo (1960), realistic and chilling story about the Nazi death camps, he was released to the public.

In 1970, Pontecorvo hires the American actor Marlon Brando to star Queimada , another important colonial-themed film about a separatist rebellion that takes place on a Caribbean island submitted by the Portuguese government. His last film was solo Operation Ogre (1978), film work that recreates the famous attack on the Admiral Carrero Blanco, and that, in turn, offers one of the first testimonies filmed in Spain on the terrorist organization ETA.
With a filmography consists almost entirely of these five titles, and a few short films, "the late Gillo Pontecorvo has earned to be among the biggest names in the history of cinema because of its particular contribution to the landscape of political cinema.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Kates Playground Kostenlos
"The body of Carlos Alonso Palate, found at 2.30, will be repatriated to their country this Thursday."
"Batasuna refuses to take for broken process. "
" Rajoy Zapatero calls a "formal explanation" about his policy on terrorism. "
The living are still talking.
Otegi and his men, the perversion of language, terror.
Rajoy and the PP, the perversion of language, fear.
On the street (and in certain media), the mad dog of the right Mountaineer, the descendants of the dictatorship, the distorted image of the Cid, the story of a Catholic Kings distorts Spain, the Franco nostalgic looking your business.
would defend the government, but I read in El País that Government does not consider it appropriate to prohibit the manufacture in Spain cluster bombs.
ETA kills again. Israel is killing Palestinians. Since the beginning of the war declared by Aznar and colleagues die 120 Iraqis every day ...
And the living are still talking, with their pristine suits and their hands are stained, call ...
And one is left alone with his disgust while someone will say goodbye to the dead, and be careful not drinking while driving and stop smoking, because the snuff kills.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Dental Office Collection Letters
Images Of Walnut Floors
Imagine a few days later a writer (you know that writer today is only one who has published works on paper) presents the same book and, after the presentation, approaching a representative other than the same journal and performs the same order.
Guess which text will be published in this hypothetical magazine.
sure you guess right, "or are one of those romantics who believe in the text and not the author as markers, or does the word, generating illusions ...?
Fortunately, that sort of thing probably does not exist.
is just a game of perceptions.
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Poets saints. Those who, now deceased, usually amount to the altars of the poetic account. Also those of advanced age and poor health, especially when suffering a feint of heart or respiratory failure. Sometimes widows left, archaeologists are able to locate the fossils for later sale strangers between the enjoyment of autologous, linguists and so-called cultural news.
Poets heirs. Those who practice mountaineering literature based on social assistance to certain saints poets, professors and editors predisposed mature, usually devoid of future widow (or widower). Paid in kind media their "fees" for such altruistic work. Poets
anatomy. are some of the poets heirs. Those who achieved literary recognition through its work with the language, the size of their breasts or buttocks readiness. Poets
official. Special grade poets who meet certain heirs , anatomical or not, who so generously at official events, literary awards, tributes diverse cultural supplements and even photo stories in the press of certain heart or Sunday supplements the rest of the press. Often photographed in their libraries, although they have not the background of the gardens or landfills. Poets
pragmatic. who turn their laziness or lack certain short texts with narratives in verse. In general are prone to compulsive publication. Poets
prophetic. Holders of truth. Poets
additives. Those who have been generously endowed with rhetoric, playing multiple schemes traditional and often like assonance rhyme. Just replacing the emphasis on various sugars, saccharin and other sweeteners. Poets
-post. Those who, nostalgic for the avant-garde, they tend to reproduce and manifest as necessary revolution and misunderstood. They have a conventional ideal of the weird.
Non-poets. The endowed with a masochistic ego.
Poets-I. Those who live in the mirror of her stepmother, also known poets them, because they rhyme with stars. Poets
authentic. Rare species minority that, despite belonging to any of the above groups cited, often go unnoticed and be vindicated posthumously.
Poe-tass. Those who believe they are real poets and end up producing terror.
I was a non-poet , of \u200b\u200bcourse.