I've spent the last days biting my tongue, waiting for a coherent policy response, but useless.
ETA has misled the president of Spain and has come to kill, it was logical to think that parties would be put next to the victims and the English Government, but no, there is a party that is unwilling to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. A party
installed in systematic harassment in the lie, treachery, in the attack on the foundations of any democracy. There is a party that also wants no historical memory, perhaps because their ranks there is still a former Franco minister and many descendants of that dictatorship. A party that touches the approaches of the most reactionary right.
Mariano Rajoy said yesterday the President "If you do not meet their commitments, we will bomb, and if no bomb is because it has yielded." Can you run for president of a State who is capable of such baseness? Rajoy has learned well from certain obnoxious characters who like to surround themselves with what the slander, that thing is ...
too many years ago that certain characters in the PP exercise mechanisms of the harassment and the perverse strategy has finished using up policy terrorism as an electoral weapon. Disunity only benefits ETA, the PP is against the consensus, with whom is it? Certainly not with the democratic parties.
Mariano Rajoy said today that to be president should be required "something more than be an adult and English" and it is true, to be president should have the capacity for dialogue, loyalty and respect that he has.
Yes I am against ETA, which is why I will support José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the other democratic parties, and anyone who defends the dialogue. I hope the voters of this country remember who you are those who insist, in one way or another, to break the rules. Spain needs new elections, not have another president, but for a democratic and responsible opposition.
ETA has misled the president of Spain and has come to kill, it was logical to think that parties would be put next to the victims and the English Government, but no, there is a party that is unwilling to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. A party
installed in systematic harassment in the lie, treachery, in the attack on the foundations of any democracy. There is a party that also wants no historical memory, perhaps because their ranks there is still a former Franco minister and many descendants of that dictatorship. A party that touches the approaches of the most reactionary right.
Mariano Rajoy said yesterday the President "If you do not meet their commitments, we will bomb, and if no bomb is because it has yielded." Can you run for president of a State who is capable of such baseness? Rajoy has learned well from certain obnoxious characters who like to surround themselves with what the slander, that thing is ...
too many years ago that certain characters in the PP exercise mechanisms of the harassment and the perverse strategy has finished using up policy terrorism as an electoral weapon. Disunity only benefits ETA, the PP is against the consensus, with whom is it? Certainly not with the democratic parties.
Mariano Rajoy said today that to be president should be required "something more than be an adult and English" and it is true, to be president should have the capacity for dialogue, loyalty and respect that he has.
Yes I am against ETA, which is why I will support José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the other democratic parties, and anyone who defends the dialogue. I hope the voters of this country remember who you are those who insist, in one way or another, to break the rules. Spain needs new elections, not have another president, but for a democratic and responsible opposition.