Monday, November 30, 2009
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Mucolytics have been discovered as a suitable drug to combat cocaine addiction. In the U.S., are developing a line of research with mucolytics and animals addicted to cocaine self-administration of blocking drugs and reverse the plastic changes in neurons, explained Rosario Moratalla, researcher at the CSIC.
is hope for these patients after the disappointing results of the vaccine against cocaine addiction which they are working Researchers at Yale University.
The vaccine worked well in animals but when the researchers did tests on people only worked in 40% of cases, in which the vaccine produces a molecule capable of kidnap to cocaine and prevent access to the central nervous system. Despite the poor results is a good way to further investigation, according Moratalla.
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Is it ethical for the role they are playing the big pharmaceutical companies in medical research? According to Nobel Laureate Richard Roberts, no. "This is a wakeup call. A pharmaceutical companies are not interested in vaccines because they work. They are dedicated to drugs such as Viagra. But vaccines work and no need to take it over and over again , so that companies are not interested. Of course, vaccines have risks but they are the best medications. surveyors should not Hollywood stars who say that vaccines are dangerous. The same happens with antibiotics. Pharmaceutical companies have neglected the production of antibiotics because they cure and therefore only seek drugs for chronic diseases, to keep the market ", criticized the award-winning discoverer of introns.
Roberts's diatribe against medical companies was a response to the role of vaccines in the epidemiological crisis of influenza A, which was discussed at the Bureau Developments in global health: From flu to the human genome which also Nobel prizes participated Werner Arber and Hamilton Smith, along with Clyde Hutchinson, distinguished researcher of the Venter Institute, Javier Toledo, the Public Health Department of Aragon, Begoña Alonso, of the Department of Saude-Galicia, Horacio Rubio, the UNAM of Mexico, and Albert Jovell, social entrepreneur Laporte Foundation.
The solution to health problems through customization treatments is a perspective not too distant in time. Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith said said that "in 10 years will be possible to sequence the DNA of every child born, enabling us to obtain genetic medical treatment. The main obstacle is that we have sequenced the genes of millions of children to know what the Each person's response to the individualized treatment. We have to collect thousands of gene sequences of human being, put them into a processor and its correlation. So we can predict that certain genes may be susceptible to be treated medically in a way to a disease, although get here we will take decades. "
But genetic research will not only be applied to medicine. Nobel laureate Werner Arber said that "with the genetic information we can modify a couple of dozen of agricultural products so that these plants will become more rich in the ingredients we need. In decades to build plants we used in our food, not rot and may be used in arid soils or wetlands. " In this sense, Clyde Hutchinson gave the example of research being carried out with rice Golden type, whose amino acid rebalancing can save lives in people suffering from malnutrition. Toledo recalled
there are other emfermedades where economic interests are intertwined and hard to find a solution: "In Spain every day 150 people die from the consumption of snuff, six people per hour, one every 10 minutes. It is a preventable disease, but has many tabaquimso economic connotations, is an epidemic created by man against man himself. "
Regarding the crisis of Influenza A Roberts reported that the media "have acted out of control. They have released many unverified information" and that politicians "got the disease on the agenda because they thought it was a good theme and collaborated offering a very bad information. " Finally, the Nobel prize also criticized professionals "who have used a Sisema larvae to investigate the vaccine, so do not come in time."
to epidemics of this kind, Begoña Alonso highlighted the role of social networks. "We need to find allies outside actors to launch messages reach the population and measure the extent of such messages. There is some distance between government and people as we try to adapt our language. Seldom evaluates the impact and whether campaign comprised of the population. "
Toledo added that, despite some flaws, global action in the treatment of influenza A had been exemplary, but "we've forgotten give the same global response to the Millennium Development Goals. "
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- The causes of unethical Crisis and its consequences threaten human rights
- His solution is by: Corporate Responsibility (greed as the only value must be banished from the business world) + quality public policies (which protect the weak, give voice to people and oversee the powerful. To protect the planet by ensuring their survival through Education and protect future generations) + Active civil society (have we thrown in the towel as citizens? Is necessary to regain hope as an engine of social action) and be protagonists of our own development + extermination of corruption .
- Savage capitalism is bad economics : destroys far more wealth than it generates, open the floodgates to inequalities and thus triggered the conflict in the world to a degree incompatible with their survival.
- The economic value of hope: Microcredit new hopes for old problemas.La civil society needs hope for why thrown in the towel?: overwhelmed by everyday problems in a system where few decisions that affect many ...
- economy continue focusing prisms nineteenth century. A we turned the management economics of scarcity. Now we have failed in managing wealth. There technological and productive capacity to feed double the current population of the planet ... and are dying 1,200 million people a year by not eating.
- States have reacted and helped shore up the financial system "for when identical aid frenzy of hunger and reat other global issues?
- need start building the future: that governments and leaders to overturn YA Caring for the planet and feed and educate generations should be affirmed.
Moderator: Luis Amiguet-journalist from La Vanguardia
Garrigues: Effective Global Institutions / Ending corruption / An ethical market but also effectively maintained solidarity
Antonio Garrigues opened fire, for whom history is nothing to the overcoming of the crisis. The difference that makes the current global nature. "We need as capable and effective global institutions," he argued. Commitment to start thinking about a global law for all compatible passing through the five major legal systems (Anglo-European Marxist law, Islamic and Indian) "we believe we can and will be a good way forward in solving ". Garrigues
To the devil is not a market economy. Convinced that market systems are bad and good market systems, believes that without solidarity no future but also non-market economy, "but liberalism must be connected to ethics." It is therefore necessary to think otherwise. Garrigues commitment to more effectively manage Solidarity, which in his opinion is getting the microcredit model.
leukemia The great economic, believes, is corruption. "always affects the poor more than the rich. The rich sail well in a climate of corruption. Corruption is not attacking and is still growing in developed countries and emerging economies. Ending it would indeed be a genuine form of address economic problems. "
President Sam Daley-Harris Microcredit Summit: The return of hope and leadership citizenship Daley has
that violence after Kenya's electoral processes in many ways destroyed the country's social fabric . Protagonizadaspor street violence "bands" or more or less organized groups that were precisely those who came to give them money and ask them to cooperate in the reconstruction of the destroyed. Some of these leaders worked together and managed to recover a lost hope. That hope did they assess the construction over at the destruction. Implication participation, commitment, redemption and rediscovery of the value of hope., were the terms used by the resident of Summit Microcredits. Microcredit rely heavily on that: trying to find a new hope to old and almost endemic problems.
"" leadership problem? Not so: the problem of citizenship "Consider that there is a crisis of identity for citizens. WE AS CITIZENS thrown in the towel ..
Kliksberg - Advisor to the UN crisis as an attack on human rights.
"We ability to feed nearly twice pleneta human beings and yet still die every year from 1200 million people lack access to food. As long as this campus, there will be 35,000 children died of hunger. The crisis is not free "
adviser to the UN the key causes of the crisis are three and three are ethical, not financial:
1 .- The United States abandoned the protection of collective interest in basic questions: checked out the nature and failed to regulate market.
2 .- The presidents of large financial institutions disregarded the most basic human values. This is what Obama called the unbridled greed Financial markets
3 .- The market fundamentalism: ethics has no place in the economy.
Opting for a model to reconcile ethics with economics. lL public policy must protect the public interest. The corporate culture has to rethink. "We could produce food for 20 thousand miles of the more than 1,200 people die of hunger peak. You can not act back to humanity."
HUNGER KILLS MORE IS NOT AN ISSUE When Alan Greenspan was asked why he opposed at the time the regulation of subprime mortgages and derivatives, (two of the causes of the explosion bubble) has the adviser of UN Greenspan replied "I'm in a stupor. We thought it was autorregularían Financera institutions to respond to its shareholders."
Savage capitalism is bad economy is producing an unprecedented wealth destruction. "Greed and Inequality generates. We must counter with a higher social LIABLE private enterprise, the extermination of corruption, greater involvement of civil society and a high quality public policy to protect the general welfare. "NO ONE MINUTE TO LOSE THE HUNGER KILLS" he said.
Friday, November 27, 2009
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If you're a college student present your card and you can access the Campus gratias where 19 Nobel laureates, former heads of state, recognized researchers, executives and experts will discuss the economic crisis and social and scientific progress. The Business Group gives you a scholarship the cost of the campus.
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The director of the Campus of Excellence 2009, José Ramón Calvo, is interviewed on topics of education and knowledge in the program Singulars TV3.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
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Campus of Excellence 2009 held at the Teatro Quinto , which is on Calle Sepulveda 3-5, 28011 Madrid.
Transport :
- Bus line 138 : Plaza of Spain - C / Sepulveda
- Metro Line 6: Nearest stop Alto de Extremadura. Subway Map (PDF)
- By car: Take the M-30 South. Take the exit to the Holy Shrine. Turn right on Paseo de la Ermita del Santo. Turn left on Sepulveda Street. Parking for 200 cars (fee) and nearby shopping center (1000 seats).
- The Madrid-Barajas Airport 23 kilometers
- To the Atocha station (AVE) 5 miles
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These and many other questions will be answered at the debate table Energy sustainability: renewable, biological, nuclear, fossil. What and why? to be held on December 1 between 16.00 and 17.30 on the Campus of Excellence 2009. Modifications to development policies to achieve low carbon economies, the viability of the agreements international climate in seeking to reduce and stabilize emissions of greenhouse gases causing global warming, the pressure of the crisis to avoid the abandonment of the most polluting fuels or nuclear option will be the topics that will try to clear the select group of guests who discuss the world's energy future.
They include three Nobel laureates:
Jerome Friedman , American physicist Professor InstitutoTecnológico of Massachusetts, who received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1990 along with H. Kendall to have discovered evidence of "quarks" (the internal structure of protons).
David Gross , r ecibió Nobel Prize for Physics in 2004 along with David Politzer and Frank Wilczek for their discovery of asymptotic freedom . Currently he heads the Chair of Theoretical Physics at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University Santa Barbara, California.
also participate in the table Abdullah Al Shameri, secretary general of the OPEC , Jose Manuel Paez, vice provost for International Relations the UPM , Carlos Cebrian-Business and
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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Aaron Ciechanover medical doctor in 1981 by Technion (Israel Institute of Technology). Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004 . He is a professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Director of the Institute for Medical Research at the Technion Rappaport family, Israel.

Avram Hershko Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004 along with A. Ciechanover and Irwin Rose for their discovery of protein degradation via the ubiquitin. He is currently Professor in the Rappaport Family Institute at the Technion, Haifa, Israel.

Johann Deisenhofer: Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1988), with R. Huber and H. Michel . His research led him to discover the structure of the protein that acts as photochemical photosynthetic bacteria. He has been Professor of Biochemistry Medical Center Dallas, University of Texas.

Hartmut Michel, German biochemist. In 1988 he shared with his fellow R, Huber and J. Deisenhofer, Nobel Chemistry Prize for having deciphered the structure of a protein complex called photosynthetic reaction center, crucial in the process of photosynthesis of some bacteria.

Robert Huber : Specialist in determining three-dimensional structure of proteins. In 1988 he was awarded the Chemistry Nobel shared with J. Deisenhofer and H. Michel.

Sydney Altman (Montreal 1939) Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Thomas R. truss in 1989 for his discovery of the catalytic properties of ribonucleic acid (RNA). Both demonstrated that RNA is the chemical support inheritance, and is involved in chemical reactions that made possible the emergence of life on earth.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
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With the title Global Crisis: Economic, ethical, social, securities ... Are there any solutions? will start the first panel discussion d the Campus of Excellence 2009 . Participants at this table not only want to look for economic solutions from the point of view of large numbers, but to show as in any crisis that suffer most are the people and how they should find solutions without losing sight of the human profile.
The role of women before the crisis will come from Ana Lucina García Maldonado , president of American Federation of Women Lawyers, tools that Kliksberg , advisor to the UN and is co-author of People First with Amartya Sen, state the need to place the human being as the key in the development of economic and business activities. In addition also participate Miguel Angel Canizales, a former Minister of Education of Panama, Ana Maria Baiardi, Ambassador of Paraguay to the FAO and the Government of Italy, and Franklin Hoet Linares, a lawyer and writer.
journalist La Vanguardia Luis Amiguet, one of the vertices triangle of The Counter , will moderate the roundtable to be held between 10.30 and 12.00 Monday 30 November.
Monday, November 23, 2009
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- Registration: Here
- Press: mail to journalists and media data to: Rosa Barron ( and Manuel Murillo:
The Campus of Excellence V expected to bring together 1,500 people from over 20 countries and representatives top 100 universities worldwide. After four editions held in the Canary Islands this kind of Davos of Cooking celebrates its first five years in Madrid.
Scientists, Politicians and Managers
In This 5 th edition participate 19 Nobel Prize winners (6 of Economy, 4 of Biomedicine, 9 Science basic and 1 peace) former heads of state and political figures such as Michel Rocard, former Prime Minister of France, Rosalia Arteaga, Ecuador's former president, John Brutton, former prime minister of Ireland . (See full program here)
Participate also a group of world experts such as Sam Harris Deley, President Microcredit Summit, Balbir Mathur, president of Trees for Life, Takeshi Asano, Stanford University; Ndioro Ndiaye, former Executive Director of the World Organization for Migration Kliksberg, Advisor to the UN, Manuel Carballo, Executive Director International Centre for Migration and Health; Ana Lucina García Maldonado, President Federation American Bar Association, or Robert Sokolow, Princeton University, among others. They bring expertise in issues related to economic and social crisis, the crisis of knowledge, immigration crisis, hunger, thirst, emerging new diseases or climate change . This group is also rejoining Dan Miller, author of the bestseller that inspired the movie "Peaceful Warrior."
hundred graduate of the world's leading universities
This core thinking for decision making s and completed with a group of 100 university graduate, elected after pass a selection process based on their academic and professional proposal from universities around the world.
During the first four editions, Canary Excellence Campus had the participation of 30 Nobel laureates, 600 scientists and international experts, 5 astronauts NASA and 40 individuals recognized with the award Rey Juan Carlos I, King James I and several Prince of Asturias
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Monday December 30
SESSION 1: 10.30-12.00 Round Table: GLOBAL CRISIS: ECONOMIC, ETHICAL, SOCIAL OF VALUES ... no solution?
- Antonio Garrigues, Honorary President of the Spain of UNHCR
- Sam Daley Harris, President Summit microcredit
- Ana Lucina García Maldonado-President Latin American Federation of Abogados
- Balbir Mathura-president of Trees for Life
- Bernardo Kliksberg adviser to the UN
- Miguel Angel Cañizales-Former Minister of Education of Panama
- Ana Maria Baiardi-Embajador Paraguay before the FAO, and he Government of Italy
- Franklin Hoet Linares-Abogado and Writer
SESSION 2: 12.30-14.00 Round Table: GLOBAL HEALTH NEWS:
INFLUENZA A human genome.
- Werner Arber, Nobel Prize
- Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith
- Richard Roberts, Nobel Prize
- Clyde Hutchinson Distinguished Researcher Venter Institute
- Javier Toledo Public Health Directorate of Aragon
- Begoña Alonso-Galicia-Conselleria de Saude Albert
- Laporte Foundation Jovell-
- Horacio Rubio-UNAM Mexico
14.30-16.00: Lunch
- Erwin Neher, Nobel Prize
- Avram Hersko-Nobel Prize
- Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel Prize (vc)
- José Antonio López Guerrero, Universidad Autónoma Madrid
- Manel Esteller, CNIO
- Manuel Carballo-ICMHD
- Andrés Martínez-Hispanic American Health Link
- José Regidor-University of Las Palmas de GC.
SESSION 4: 17.30-18.00 Special Conference: Balbir Mathur, president of Trees for Life: Finding a foothold: Hunger in the world.
Crisis and Opportunities Presented by Cecilia -Universia Kindelan
20.15hs Concert American Home
21.30 Dinner
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- Johan Diesenhoffer-P. Nobel
- Bernat Soria-University of Alicante
- Josep Castells IUCT
- Juan Luis Ramos Martin-CSIC, Granada
- José Manuel Siverio-Universidad de La Laguna Luis
- Antonio González, Universidad de La Laguna
- Luis Pons Puiggros-Catalonia Polytechnic University
Moderator: Carlos Elias, Professor of Science Journalism, Universidad Carlos III
11.30-12.00. Coffee break
- Robert Socolow, Princeton University Hartmut
- Michael P. Nobel
- José Luis Rubio, Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
- John Green, Chairman of Climate Change Project Spain
- Emigdio Repetto-University of Las Palmas
- Takeshi Asano, Stanford University Moderator
- Jorge Alcalde-QUO
- Session 7: 13.30-14.15
- Extraordinary Conference
- Dan Millman-The Pacific Warrior Way
14.30-16.00: Lunch
SESSION 8: 16.00-17.30: Roundtable: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY: RENEWABLE, biological, nuclear, FOSSILS. WHAT AND CHEESE? Speakers
- Jerome P. Friedman Nobel
- David Gross-P. Nobel
- P. Sheldon Glashow- Nobel
- Abdullah Al-Shameri OPEC Secretary General
- José Manuel Paez-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Emilio Minguez-UPM
- Antonio Luque-IES-UPM
- Guillermo García Reina- ULPGC
20.00 Concierto de Piano, Visita al Museo del Prado y Cena
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- Michel Rocard- Ex Primer Ministro de Francia
- John Bruton-Ex Primer Ministro de Irlanda
- Rosalía Artega- Ex presidenta de Ecuador
- Luis Alberto Lacalle, former President of Uruguay
- Diakhoumba Gassama-Coordinator of UNIFEM Africa region
- Ahmed Rashid, Pakistani Journalist and Writer
- Carlos Robles Piquer Ambassador of Spain and former Minister
- Adam Martin-Former President of the Canary Islands
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
SESSION 10: 12.00-13.30 Roundtable: Immigration : Challenges, Problems and Solutions
- Manuel Carballo, Executive Director of the International Centre for Migration and Health
- Ndioro Ndiaye-Ex - Minister of Social Affairs and Senior Advisor Senegal ICMHD
- Moumene Mohamed Abdel-Former Minister of Health of Algeria and Senior Advisor ICMHD
- Rodrigo Aguirre de Carcer-SocialBid
- Monique Begin, former Minister of Health Canada
- Margarita Ramos, Professor of Labour Law University of La Laguna
- Juan Manuel Suarez del Toro Red Cross President
- Jerónimo Saavedra Mayor of Las Palmas QA
13.30-14.15 CONFERENCE SPECIAL-D President Felipe Calderón of Mexico
14.30-16.00: Lunch
- Fynn Kydland, P. Nobel
- Robert Aumann-P. laureate Gary Becker
- Qu Nobel (vc)
- Edward Prescott, P. Nobel (vc)
- P. Edmund Phelps Nobel (vc)
- Vice President Juan Francisco Corona Family Business Institute
- Salvador Barberá, UAB Professor of Economics
- Parache Manuel Varela, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Jaime
- Gil Aluja, President of the Royal Academy of Economics and Finance
- Carlos Cebrian-Business
Chair: Juan Ramón Lucas
21.00 Dinner Business Group
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SESSION 12: 10.00-11.30 Roundtable: Business, Crisis, and Corporate Social Responsibility
- José Antonio Fernández-Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
- Arturo Fernández-Vice President of the CEOE
- José María Sayago-Business Communications
- Lotfi Al-Social Entrepreneur Ghandauri
- Ricardo Bellino, Real Estate Entrepreneur
- Marisol Deluna-entrepreneur and designer
- Francisco Martín-Frias Transport Entrepreneur
- Manuel Rodriguez-Business Exporter
- Javier López-Business Financial Services
Moderator: Manuel Lopez Torrens- Business Journal
11.30-12.00-Coffee break
SESSION 13: Mesa 12.00-13.30 Debate: Sport as a business and as social action for change
- Alejandro Blanco, President of the English Olympic Committee
- Maria Calvo, General Director of Ashoka Spain Enrique
- Atletico President Cerezo Madrid
- Olympic gymnast Almudena Cid
- Emilio Butragueño-Director of External Relations Real Madrid
- Ana Tarrés, Select Olympic Synchronized Swimming Team
SESSION 14 13.30-14.15 Closing Ceremony