Monday, March 8, 2010

Golden Retriever Cakes


18 de junio de 2010
Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filosofía
C/ Doctor Gómez Ulla s/n. Cádiz
(ver mapa al final de la información)

Tfnos: 956.240.131 / 956.240.129 / 956.240.632
Preferably :
>> Principals, responsible care, Medical / as, Social Workers, Nurses, Assistants and Assistant Clinical Geriatrics ... working in nursing homes, Day Care Unit, care centers for sick / as Alzheimer's, Hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
>> seniors organizations, workers of social services, inspection services Professional and social intervention.
>> Families, carers and care associations dependence

PROGRAM AND SPEAKERS (See the program in PDF)

9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.: Delivery of Documentation
9:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.: Opening
Margarida Ledo Coelho, Deputy Delegate of the Equal Area Diputación de Cádiz
Berrocal Catalina de la Cuesta: Director of the Service's Equality Diputación de Cádiz
10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.:
The use and abuse of the physical and chemical restraints in the elderly. the problem data. Impediments to the disappearance of the restraints. Myths and realities. Professional training programs. Comprehensive Intervention centers.
Speaker: Antonio Andrew Burgess Torijano
Medical . Gerontologist. Specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health.
Coordinator "Untie the Elderly and Sick of Alzheimer"
Publications: "Guide for the elderly and families. Using physical and chemical restraints with older people and Alzheimer patients. -Risk of abuse in the use of restraints. Aging, autonomy or dependence, but with quality of life, "Analysis of the use of physical and chemical restraints in institutionalized elderly: a review to propose a study "Delphi" and future research. Agathe: geriatric care and welfare. -Reported prevalence of physical restraints: Results of the implementation of an information system for anonymous benchmarking program among English homes untie the elderly and Alzheimer's disease. Socio-care and welfare. -Prevalence of use of restraints in Spain - developing guidelines and protocolos2005. Etc.
11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.: Break

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.:
Legal and ethical issues in the use of restraints.
Holding and abuse. Informed consent.

Rapporteur: White Clavijo Juaneda
Degree in Law from the University of Navarra. Practicing lawyer.
President of the National Alzheimer's Association "AFAL You."
Independent consultant in health law and advice to foundations.
Advisory Council Member of the Queen Sofia Foundation (Alzheimer Project).
Aequitas Foundation Patron of the General Council of Notaries.
Second Vice-Mayor of the Regional Council of the Autonomous Communities of Madrid.
1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.:
The experience of the Residence and Unity Day "Torrezuri" Gernika (Vizcaya).
How we have become a center is open attachments. Key to achieving this.
Rapporteur: Ana Urrutia Beaskoa
Medical Gerontologist. Director Torrrezuri comprehensive geriatric care services.
Residence and Day Centre Torrezuri was the first English center to gain accreditation unrestrained center after overcoming a specific external evaluation on the issue of restraint in elderly and Alzheimer patients by an entity independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental organization. An example for the rest of English as a new center paradigm of care for the elderly and Alzheimer patients, which emphasizes the autonomy and dignity as key to the welfare of these people.
For this reason, the Residence Torrezuri has been proposed for the Awards of Excellence in Residential Management, which recognize the high standards it has achieved thanks to the commitment center in the care of elderly and Alzheimer patients.
The paper by Dr. Urrutia will discuss the methodology Liberation Ger Torrezuri created by the Group for the management and removal of restraints in geriatric care centers.
2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.: Closing and delivery of Diplomas
assistance. REGISTRATION
( see the registration form in PDF )

The registration period ends at 13 hours a day 14/06/2010

The registration includes: Assistance Day / Portfolio of Work / CD with documentation Varia / Morning coffee / Diploma Assistance (subject to you attending the whole of the day)

The contribution fee assistance expenditure is 5.00 €
make a deposit into CAJASOL, ACCOUNT 2071 1300 57 0000005010.
to not forget who made the entry and the concept of "Day Desátame"
Diputación de Cádiz / Specialized Services
Avda Ramon de Carranza 11-12. Cadiz 11071 Tels
Contact: 956.240.131 - 956,240,129 to 956,240,632
E-mail: @ especializados.bsocial
>> Whether it is accepted or not your registration will be notified by email.
The list of registered persons (names and INIAL name) will be posted on this blog page Entries Accepted (located under the header of this blog)
>> The subject square was made in order of registration, until space is available.
>> The organization reserves the right to limit the number of entries per entity, in order to be able to attend the conference representatives of all agencies of the province

>> As of June 1, before signing up, ask if there are places you can do so by telephone or by visiting the Registration page of this blog Accepted
Surname and Name:
Agency, Central Association Affiliation:
workstation played:
municipality where you work:
Contact tel morning:
>> Please if they register multiple people from the same center ,
make a single deposit for the total and send the receipt and each the tab of those registered.
>> Be sure to paste the proof of bank deposit in registration sheet before sending it by fax: 956 240 142
>> As of June 4 will not return the contribution fee assistance expenditure.
. .
authorize the processing of personal data reflected in the present form and that are necessary to provide the requested service. The data in this form are confidential. The user may exercise the right at any time access, rectification or cancellation by written notice to Diputación de Cádiz. Equal area. Specialized Services. Plaza of Spain s / n 11071 Cádiz

LOCATOR MAP (click on map to enlarge)