Mayor Salas
Dear Mr. Mayor:
I have the pleasure to inform you that our association associations called for a council meeting on January 13, 2011 by a text that read:
Development movements and civic associations is essential to social progress. There are many activities and issues that can and should be approached from different associations in the council there and most are already doing at the level that each is proposed.
development partnership that level in the Council Chambers has attained sufficient importance both in number of associations, settlement social activities in number and maturity of these to encourage us to convene the I PARTNERSHIP COUNCIL MEETING ROOMS.
The overall objective of this meeting is meet and establish relations of cooperation between the various associations in the terms that each deems appropriate.
We believe that this contributes to strengthening the social fabric by making a more cohesive and able to cope with their activities and problems more effectively. We believe that it is in the good of all, because from the mutual knowledge and respect for the independence, autonomy and style of each partnership will have a more capable of dealing with their concerns and problems .
The call was successful by going twenty-five demonstrated associations and social commitment. At the same indicated their social activities.
In the chapter on the problems cited by them, we can say that in general, the major concerns expressed were:
a) Dislike suspension (momentary say) of the highway works Oviedo - La Espina, in sections of Doriga to Chambers and Chambers in the spine and the cancellation of the second lane Salas-La Espina
b) Concern over poor state of the existing road between Chambers and Spina
c) Complaints about the poor condition of various roads and roads that showed its ugly head when they had to be qualified for circulation as was the case of cutting the road in Villazón
d ) Lack of premises where associations can develop their social work ease and comfort.
e) Concern for the poor and the delay in starting the recovery Cornellana Monastery.
f) were given various environmental problems in general due to mining activities that affect the welfare of the people and the quality of river water.
many problems were described, but these are enough to make you find the status of local concern.
will not be lacking social support in which to commence industrial action undertake before the competent authorities to push for the resumption of those works cited indispensable for economic and social council.
In regard to matters that depend on you will indicate the necessary cooperation to be provided from the authority civic movements, which are essential in a society alive and active, so that we emphasize the lack of suitable premises for development of such partnerships, partners always necessary municipal power.
Citizen participation is essential in running the council
progress with the collaboration of all, although sometimes the interest to be or appear discrepant
Yours sincerely,
Juan Menéndez Arango President
Landscape Salas Friends