In sport to 100 meters is a distance race. It is a way of living and relating to oneself and others marked by values \u200b\u200bthat pervade society if they can promote change. Proper management of this transformational capability to obtain maximum social and economic returns focused the final table of the Campus 2009. Speakers
the likes of Maria Calvo (Ashoka), Emilio Butragueño , the English Olympic Committee Chairman Alejandro Blanco , the coach of the English synchronized swimming team, Anne Tarrés or gymnast Almudena Cid explained today that:
I. - English athletes are the best ambassadors of our country today which one party transfers for social cohesion and self-esteem and provides other value to the brand Spain, something that companies, institutions and English projects benefit.
the likes of Maria Calvo (Ashoka), Emilio Butragueño , the English Olympic Committee Chairman Alejandro Blanco , the coach of the English synchronized swimming team, Anne Tarrés or gymnast Almudena Cid explained today that:
I. - English athletes are the best ambassadors of our country today which one party transfers for social cohesion and self-esteem and provides other value to the brand Spain, something that companies, institutions and English projects benefit.
- (In this sense, have cited the examples of Rafael Nadal, the phenomenon around "The Red" in the Euro or the role of the synchronized swimming team in a spot traditionally focused on "celebrities")
II .- macroevents The importance of sport off the court.
- The 1992 Barcelona Olympics was a qualitative leap. The English went from being spectators to run into the street. Spain Pasis became an athlete. The government reacted by increasing the sports facilities in every town or city exponentially (in addition to this social change, perhaps less known, noted the obvious radical transformation of the city of Barcelona)
- World Cup Brazil and Olympic venue: Brazil is now a locomotive. In recent months he has been a strong brand become a magnet for investment in crisis.
- Madrid's bid (to be "nominated" also carries rewards) Madrid has monetized its Olympic bid despite not making the games. The competition has put Madrid in the world for months creating a global brand benefit
III-Athlete engine of change
- Almudena Cid is very proud to have participated in 4 Olympic Games the last at age 28, and the significance of his case. has shown that gymnastics can also have the name of women and girls not only made and media transcendence beyond the results. Olympic gold medalist is not but all know and admire and have a strong role of the media.
- Ana Tarrés praises the change in perception that has managed to Cid and explains that his pupils in the English selection sincronozada swimming were also the protagonists of change. on the one hand has spread a sport "minority and female as well (both features that in most cases you condemned to invisibility) and other high impact achieved a spot traditionally" elite "of Freixenet in the middle class is easier to identify with this group of women athletes, people house with celebrities. "
IV as a school sport and life" settings window "to impact on GDP, high visibility and plenty of responsibility
- Butragueño: highlighted the social value of sport and its economic effect (obvious in the field of professional football but also occurs in less spectacular levels, according to the exfutbolista). He listed some of the values \u200b\u200bof life as proper management of the successes and failures, teamwork, self-discipline, obedience to the coach, healthy habits, the continuous improvement etc ...
- Regarding the visibility of sport, said Butragueño of the 20 most watched programs last year on English television sports and 14 were the 3 most popular shows in television history of our party have been football.
- María Calvo (Ashoka) noted that precisely the high visibility of the sport should serve more to promote social change , something I know much of their work in Asoka "sport manages large-scale changes. In Islamic countries such as Nike have a project to empower women Through sport "