Immigration is as old as inevitable and positive. Despite the lessons of history, governments remain committed to ban it in place to manage it. At the same time the economy needs immigrants to grow and even just survive. A "schizophrenia" reviewed today in the Campus of Excellence 2009, which also warned of the talent drain in developing countries.
Schizophrenia 1 .- Europe has starred in two major migrations in history and now sleeps and improvises on immigration laws and inconsistent policies
Manuel Carballo (Executive Director of the International Centre for Migration and Health) believes we live in today an extraordinary xenophobia, and that (for example) the Swiss referendum on banning minarets, rather than an anti-Islamic desmostración test is fear of immigration. " We are playing with this fear by political populism and unethical journalism focused on a poorly informed public."
- (In this critique of the media would join him later Gonzalo Castillejo, Editor of "Yes we can (free and aimed at immigrants) who claimed the spotlight the immigrant as an information source and as public information. and criticized press coverage of immigration, "which only appears in the headlines for the arrival of boats or conflicts of the bands")
Carballo recalled that the most important immigration history has been that of Europeans (75 million) to America, Australia and Africa. The second was that of the English, Portuguese and Greeks to the northern countries of the continent. "Both migration saved Europe Troubleshooting hunger, poverty, and demographic imbalances. Today the challenge is the same with Europe receiving.
Yet European countries "I was caught sleeping. fail to see immigration as positive when 13 European countries have received in recent years from 12 to 13 billion euros from immigration. The Immigrants also send 386 billion to their countries . home. It is a phenomenon, an essential factor for the development of countries of origin of immigrants, but also those who receive them. In Europe the fertility decline is such that if we can not let us keep bringing immigrants to be a social welfare system without funds. That's what you need to explain more and better to the public. N or is wanting or not wanting immigrants. is that we need, and more than ever. "
believes that" if Europe is so powerfully reacts negatively to immigration as small as it is known today, when climate change displace 200 million people of Asian and African countries did not happen "
Schizophrenia 2 .- Emigration for political reasons is protected. Doing it for economic reasons, to live better, not
Juan Manuel Suarez del Toro, president of the English Red Cross, has given some hints about the reality of the immigrant population in Spain. "Immigration is not a new phenomenon and is in history to stay. 8 out of 10 African migrants do so within the continent, despite what people might think. And immigration is full of human suffering. The emigrant is not forever, at least not think so. While the political emigrant welcomes you to protect their human rights, economic (which migrate to a better life) is punished and expelled. And look at the talent drain and suffering people sending countries.
is not taking into account that migration is a social phenomenon in greater depth. That will force a reorganization of the global mapping of the human population will result in a society multiénica to be put into concepts solfa as a nation, or citizenship, forced to seer rethought. In addition, any migratory movement has an origin, something I always forget when we approach from the perspective of the north. Those who come illegally have no rights and that must be corrected now. Recipient countries have a responsibility in terms of meeting and respect for multiculturalism. Governments (senders and receivers) must protect and ensure the rights of its citizens, both those who go in search of a better life as those who come chasing after. "
Schizophrenia 3 .- Policies international migration was made without consulting the experts of the countries of origin. Working on something that is ignored.
Ndioro Ndiaye-Ex - Minister of Social Affairs and Senior Advisor Senegal ICMHD "Immigration should not avoid it but manage it. Must think on the trip: and this involves the country of origin, the person who migrates and country when it arrives. This whole process is to manage it properly. And it is doing. "
To Ndiaye is a big problem of inconsistency
- Interministerial Inconsistency: The countries have a high internal contradiction in the policies and rules of the various ministries responsible for issues relating to migration. Not only lack of coordinated policies, but that some even contradict the other sde. It's chaos that affects host countries and home to
- Inconsistency between the policies of one country to another. is impossible to manage population movements, the trip was talking about earlier, if the policies of the country of origin and destination are inconsistent
- Inconguencia in making decisions without expert information: No African experts centers of decision-making on migration, cross-cutting element of international decisions on Health, Education or development. Claimed presence AFRICAN CONSULTANTS IN THE DESIGN OF THESE POLICIES INTERNATIONAL
Jose Maria Perez (Peridis) bullet did not speak today, but key to his view would assist in the proper management of migration.
- one hand the reduction of tariffs and measures to facilitate the arrival and movement of products made in developing countries , on the other the momentum of development in countries of origin through their entrepreneurs themselves (not imported from Europe). This is not to transplant the Western model as these countries which encourage and implus but it's emprendeores of constuiyan origen.quienes countries in achieving sustainable development. Finally, he cited the need for collaboration between countries of origin and destination especialmene in the case of second generation immigrants "youngsters who are not from nowhere and have no roots. The host country must provide new roots without losing the original. The integration of these young people spend it for mixed formulations of the countries of origin and destination "
Schizophrenia 4 .- The Law: While the EU documents the need for immigrants to survive, the member countries shielding
Margarita Ramos Labour law professor College of Laguna considered it absurd that capital can move freely on the planet with nothing more cost-effective manner, without a corresponding liberalization of movement of people. In short, the corporation can invest where it is most profitable, but the worker can not go to work anywhere. This means that immigration is set to a negative bridge looks when the crisis in a lack of local employment.
Furthermore in Europe said there is a real schizophrenia ejurídica on the treatment of immigration. While the EU keeps saying through immigration documents is essential for sustaining Europe ( need 50 million migrant workers for continued imposition of the welfare state and the population pyramid) each country develop very restrictive policies immigration. " In European countries is very difficult to get the status of" regular "and very easy to lose it."
On the other hand Europe is actively attracting highly skilled migrants in the universities in their countries. Say their countries invest in training these people and pays and pays for Europe such training. countries of origin of the immigrant population is in a strong position to use in their negotiations with developed countries Europe needs (it is responsible or not) qualified immigrant labor and immigrant labor unskilled "temporary" circulate.
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