Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Need Antibiotics For A Chest Infection

solutions to the crisis without losing sight of the human being

With the title Global Crisis: Economic, ethical, social, securities ... Are there any solutions? will start the first panel discussion d the Campus of Excellence 2009 . Participants at this table not only want to look for economic solutions from the point of view of large numbers, but to show as in any crisis that suffer most are the people and how they should find solutions without losing sight of the human profile.

With this vision will participate in the debate Antonio Garrigues , president of honor in Spain UNHCR (the High Commissioner for Refugees), which explain how the unprotected support a much forgotten in times of economic crisis. Proposing solutions through micro-credit will Sam Daley Harrys , president of Microcredit Summit , an organization which aims by 2015 to 175 million poor people have access to microcredit to start a new life . Ways to fight poverty from the perspective of responsibility for the impact on the environment is a recipe that will propose Balbir Mathur , president of Trees for Life .

The role of women before the crisis will come from Ana Lucina GarcĂ­a Maldonado , president of American Federation of Women Lawyers, tools that Kliksberg , advisor to the UN and is co-author of People First with Amartya Sen, state the need to place the human being as the key in the development of economic and business activities. In addition also participate Miguel Angel Canizales, a former Minister of Education of Panama, Ana Maria Baiardi, Ambassador of Paraguay to the FAO and the Government of Italy, and Franklin Hoet Linares, a lawyer and writer.

journalist La Vanguardia Luis Amiguet, one of the vertices triangle of The Counter , will moderate the roundtable to be held between 10.30 and 12.00 Monday 30 November.


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