Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Is Microencephalitis

Trabajar en Alemania

the thread of the news published on 22 January, will add this information to whom it may concern: At the request

of Germany has initiated collaboration between public employment services in Spain and Germany, through EURES EURES-Germany-Spain, for a collaborative project aimed at recruiting qualified English to work in Germany.

recruitment preferred areas are: Health, Engineering, Education and Tourism, and Hospitality. You need at least an intermediate level of German (B1/B2 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Those interested in more information can direct an email with your contact details and characteristics (in English and German) to the following email address: @ grupo.eures.alemania indicating in the email subject reference corresponding to their professions:

Health: RFA. Health-Germany EURES
Engineering: RFA. EURES-Germany
Engineering Teaching: RFA. EURES-Germany
Teaching Hospitality and Tourism: RFA. EURES-Germany Tourism and Hospitality

However, those persons belonging to other domains and professional with good knowledge of German writing in the subject: RFA. EURES others, Germany.

In a first phase, a list of people interested. Subsequently contacted them to discuss the marriage of vacancies and job applications.

All this works through the network of European public employment services, EURES network. More information: https: / / / en / Redtrabaj / portal / index.jsp
The Province (29/01): English Youth supply Merkel expected to migrate

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Is Rocky Mountain Resole

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Those who know me know that I always try to get the educational part of all that I can. Well, I've been lucky that I have a plant that has a monarch butterfly egg, those that are very large and beautiful. The egg has become in a few days in a beautiful caterpillar that eats the plant second to second. In order to observe the whole process culminating in a butterfly fascinates me the truth.
About this video I attached a very nice, based on a book named "Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt" (The caterpillar eater). The addition of educational video, teaches us not only the aforementioned process, but also the days of the week, numbers and names of many fruits.

Here is some text:
... Am Montag
frass sie sich durch einen Apfel, aber sie war satt immer noch nicht. Am Dienstag
frass sie sich durch zwei Birnen, aber sie war satt immer noch nicht. Am Mittwoch
frass sie sich durch drei Pflaumen, aber sie war satt immer noch nicht.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Is The Tamil Actor Vijay Christian Or Hindu

Alemania ofrece trabajo a españoles en paro

Friday, January 21, 2011

Best Blu Ray Player For Dvd Upconversion

REGISTRATION PERIOD ENDING! ** 311 ** Registration deadline today

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What To Write In A Baby Card Funny


SchülerInnen von Liebe NI2, Habte

ihr hier ein paar Links zum Thema Pronominaladverbien bzw. Verben mit Theorie Präpositionen

Pronominaladverbien1 ; Pronominaladverbien2 ; Pronominaladverbien3 ; Präpositionen mit Verben

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kate's Playground Stripping


13 JANUARY Start

2011 meeting with the president's welcome to Friends of Landscape Salas, convener of the same, Juan Menéndez Arango, representatives of concurrent partnerships with the following words:

" Dear friends, thank you for coming to our call.

First to greet you and ask permission to address a few words before and to record these friendly conversations with us for two hours which we have little time.

interventions before your try to explain the meaning and order that we thought for this meeting is open to everyone.

Like we said in our letter of December 30:

development of associations and Civic I is essential for social progress. There are many activities and issues that can and should be approached from different associations in the council there and most are already doing at the level that each is proposed.
development partnership that level in the Council Chambers
has attained sufficient importance both in number of associations, social settlements, the number of activities, and the maturity of them, and to encourage us to call the I PARTNERSHIP COUNCIL MEETING ROOMS.

The overall objective of this meeting is to meet and establish relations of cooperation between the various associations in the terms that each deems appropriate.
We believe that this contributes to strengthening the social fabric by making a more cohesive and capable of dealing its activities and
problems more effectively. We believe that it is in the good of all, because from the mutual knowledge and respect for the independence, autonomy and style of each partnership will have a more capable of dealing with their concerns and problems.

I think you should explain very briefly what is the format we have planned for this meeting, so that it can express the greatest number of possible opinions on an equal footing and that no one feels discriminated against or restricted.

First you'll pass list of associations convened and take note of other attendees. We have convened with 64 letters many other associations, but we know that there are still some more. Others which we know are called "dormant" or inactive. Others do not go. Our lack of interest has not been. We have also distributed 40 posters in different parts of the council.

Then we will form a panel to conduct the meeting and later by the associations present authoritative voice for a period of time, similar in principle to all be able to explain their objectives, activities, projects and problems that arise.

Once finished this first major phase, we will open a round of speeches free to all attendees.

A then we have a "pinchoteo" in The Shed we will pay a cleavage among the attendees who wish to attend and there will continue to fraternize and exchange ideas and information freely. "

concurrent associations

then be asked to representatives of the associations that arise, being recorded as follows:

1. Neighborhood Association "The Peaks" by The Archer

2. COAG Asturias

3. Neighborhood Association San Justo

4. Grouping Coral Villa de Salas

5. Association of Pensioners and Retired Castillo de Salas

6. Celebration Committee San Adriano de Lavi

7. Neighborhood Association San Adriano de Lavi

8. Choir School Alumni Lavi to

9. Celebrations Committee Magi

Lavi 10. Brotherhood of Our Lady of Viso

11. Housewives Association of Boards

12. Socio Cultural Association and Celebrations of the Thorn "Report 2000"

13. Hunters Society Salas "El Viso ( SOCAS)

14. The Camuñesa

15. Neighborhood Association Santiago de Villazón

16. Socio-cultural Association of Celebration "San Pedro"


17. Priero Neighborhood Association

18. Racing Club Deportivo Orbayu

19. Cultural Neighborhood Association and Santa Ma rta de Bárcena de Alava

20. Cultural Association "Pola de Salas"

21. Neighborhood Association and Friends of San Vicente de Arcellana

22. Automobile Club Piñegua

23. Chambers Road

24. Friends Salas Landscape


also invited by the organizers, the University Aula Valdés Salas

Intervention by representatives of associations


first word President "The Peaks" by The Archer , Joseph M. Rodriguez, who makes known the history of this association, how did a group of neighbors interested in solving problems brought water, and also reports on its activities, a great variety and abundance of newspaper publication "The Shire", etc. Moved to present the greeting and message of the Neighborhood Association of Ribera de Arriba, Pravia, which houses ten associations in the region.

"Keep the turn of the Neighborhood Association of Priero whose president, Benjamin Suarez , indicates that perform various activities in collaboration with the City Council Chambers; also mentions that they have a new location for its meetings and activities.

-La Association Neighborhood San Justo made preparations for the celebration of festivals and working with the City on various works in the town, as we indicated José Manuel García, director of the same. Began operations in 1989.

- The Camuñesa mentioned, through Francisco Garcia, its president, its participation in the achievement of the road between Camuno and Villazón. Along with the residents of Loris, to whom they are pooled, Carballo celebrate the festival of La Pica.

"Fifteen years ago began the activity Association of Neighbors and Cultural Santa Marta de Bárcena de Alava , they have no social center, developing their meetings in a private home. Arrangements have participated in the population and have regained the lost party. Currently trying to improve the roads and make them clean up. Have 65 members and show us who are in economic need to perform their claim as an association. Its president is José Antonio García.

-The Sports Club Competition Orbayu Spina, in the words of its chairman, Juan Manuel del Oso has the age of 30 years, since his career began in 1980. Sporting events are dedicated to working with auto and a dozen Spaniard bearing the names of the spine and rooms for various parts of Asturias, where they participate. Been tested cros car championship in Spain.

- Aniceto Suárez of Automobile Club de Salas Piñegua , mentioned that the club makes trips and helps other automobile associations.

-The Coral Group Villa de Salas , represented by its Secretary Macrino Garcia, is a singing group of high quality performances carried out within and outside the council Chambers. Calls to collaborate bystanders to be hired by the parties in the local council.

- Ana Belén González is president of the Association Neighborhood Santiago de Villazón and explains as the partnership grew out of an earlier, but the motivation now to find solutions to the problems encountered in 2010 on the national highway passing through Villazón and to alleviate the poor state of roads in the locality. You also concerned about the drainage works undertaken and the works of construction of the highway Oviedo-La Spina as it passes through Villazón. Deal, as the previous association of this population, of the festivities. Has 127 members.

-The Socio-cultural Association and Celebrations "San Pedro" Mallecina is president to Juan Carlos Rodríguez which states that it was created in order to prevent the disappearance of the feast of San Pedro. They are a small group of friends who want to have a registered office and to adequately consider it old school, now in ruins.

- José Feito speaking on behalf of the four associations Lavi and its environment represented there by him, the Commission Festivities San Adriano de Lavi the Association Neighborhood San Adriano de Lavi , the Alumni Choir School Lavi and Commission of Festivities Lav Kings io. Considers that the area has the possibility of a wider network of associations. Mentioned that there is another association Hens. In Lavi are making a tent for various activities. It also refers to the need for repair of roads in the parish and, as a separate chapter, the great problem of the terrible situation of the road between Chambers and the Thorn, which have to move many residents of the villages the area, and the difficulty that is not expected to end the fast track between the towns mentioned.

- Juan Carlos del Campo is a member of the Society Hunters Salas "El Viso (SOCAS) . Informs us that this society was founded in 1989 by creating the first halt of the Principality. It deals with the management and hunting use of the council, has about 300 members, employs four people (guards) and have made cleaning up the mountains in several areas. Is it necessary to create a federation of council Chambers.

-By Housewives Association of Boards Manuela Quintana, Policy it, states that the association now has more than 50 years of existence. Made crafts classes and other activities. Feel the lack of a social club, local, according to Manuela Salas Mayor had promised to provide but which, so far, still has not been provided. The lack of a suitable location prevents them from carrying out many other activities.

- COAG is the Coordinator of Organization s Farmers and Ranchers , in this case of Asturias, and is represented in this meeting of the council of associations Luis Fernando Brown. This alludes to some outstanding and in the Asturian countryside, specifically in the case of Chambers, is the lack of realization of land consolidation would solve many of the shortcomings that still stand today on it. Believes that farmers are now a minority in the villages of Asturias. He also mentions the existence of frictions and problems of living in the rural sturio A . For Luis Fernando the association is a necessity in this area of \u200b\u200bsocial and economic development.

-In 2003 was born the germ of what would be the current Neighborhood Association and Friends of San Vicente de Arcellana and does so with the renewal of the mains water and therefore further maintenance. Since then several meetings were held culminating in 2005 with the formation of this association. José Manuel Martínez , secretary of the states that once formed began to cultural activities, among which are the staging of theatrical manners, painting contests, the choral and instruments, etc. . Some of them were conducted on the premises of the local church. Account with 138 members.

-On Landscape Friends Salas, convener of the meeting, the president spoke Juan Menéndez Arango that greatly shortened written statement provided to give more scope for action other participant is, so we send our full report separately.

-The Association cultural "Pola de Salas" is one of the youngest associations Salas. Ana Isabel Alvarez is the policy that is represented in this meeting, being also directors of the Friends of Landscape Salas. It has three members only, but some of his ambitious projects. Stresses in this regard, the book of old photographs of the council of Chambers, forthcoming, as well as holding several exhibitions of this material (with more than 2100 photographs). Their main purpose is to preserve this treasure chart.

- Chambers Road is an association that fills in the words of its coordinator Salustiano Crespo, a gap in the council regarding the issue of Jacobean associations (in their statutes are said to be one of its objectives: to empower, promote and defend the historic Camino de Santiago route, passing by the City Council Chambers). It was necessary to take advantage of subsidies that the Principality of Asturias earmarked for this purpose and therefore believes that the partnership was the appropriate means to achieve them. Is also credited with the artistic activities such as exhibitions of sculpture "Sculpture in the North", Nonaya Awards, etc.. Today they have funding problems linked to the economic crisis.

-The Socio-Cultural Association and The E Celebrations spina "Progress 2000" is the heir, as his secretary Celestino Diaz , de otra, también llamada Avance, cuya finalidad era la consecución de un centro médico para La Espina. La actual surgió para intentar conseguir el cubrimiento de la pista de la fiesta. Cuenta con 86 socios y su mayor preocupación actual es la situación de la carretera Salas-La Espina. -La asociación más veterana del concejo, desde el siglo XVII, y la que cuenta con más socios (1600 cofrades o asociados) es la Cofradía Nuestra Seño ra de l Viso . Su presidenta (Hermana mayor) es Graciela Suárez que señala que no reciben subvenciones, are financed by membership fees, six per year per brother. Undertake many activities salense devotion to the Virgin del Viso.

"The College Classroom Valdés Salas, whose director is Isidro Sanchez, intends that the University is present in chambers and throughout the western Asturias. On its website states: "To mark the fourth centenary of the University of Oviedo, on December 12, 2008 University Hall opened Valdés-Salas as a testimony of gratitude to its founder Fernando de Valdés. The basic purpose of the Hall is to support Valdés-Salas work of university students of the district and society in general all those initiatives converged with the main objective of the University of Oviedo, which is the dissemination of scientific knowledge available. "

To Isidro Sánchez

citizen collaboration with the salenses Classroom and ideas for activities is a primary issue for them.

Free Time

Following the above presentations from representatives of the associations participating in this salenses FIRST MEETING, begins a free turn of interventions in which among others, the representative of the Santiago Neighborhood Association Villazón refers again to the issue of highway known saying that the mayor of Salas says s discontent with the lack of support from other councils and claims the association, a future partnership meeting to discuss this subject.

The Association of Residents and Friends of San Vice nte of Arcellana provided to give way to that of local Homemakers Salas, whose representative is grateful for the offer but indicates how difficult it would be offset to such premises.

José Feito by Lavi associations, wishes to express the enormous shortfalls in the broadband Internet in rural areas of the council complaining about the location of wind farm between the hens and Cuerva. Mention of the Camino Real de Lavi in \u200b\u200bwhich a part of it can represent a great tourism potential untapped. Proposes the creation of a platform to be called "We want to know" referring to the need for transparency in municipal governance. José M.

Rodríguez of Neighborhood Association "The Peaks" by The Archer congratulates Landscape Salas Friends by the idea of \u200b\u200bcalling the various associations of the council at this first meeting and asks Juan Menéndez A range that these meetings have a biannual basis. Mentions that seven brañas in your area are surrounded by wind towers since Vaqueira County should promote such brañas signaling, signaling that the time is handmade tables.

Juan Carlos del Campo, the Company Hunters Salas "El Viso" , emphasizes that the more general problem is referred to the highway Oviedo-La Spina, on sections of the council and requests to form a commission to draft a letter signed by the associations salenses claiming the ultimate solution to this problem. It also requests a meeting monographic indicated.


Costco Bakery- Latest Order Form

vocabulary on the subject of furniture

muy buena en donde poder practicar el Vocabulario relacionado con los muebles. Hay diferentes ejercicios ajustados al nivel que tratan diferentes NB1 Gramaticales Aspectos que ya Hemos visto en clase y que les servirán de repaso, pero siempre en torno al mobiliario en general ya la casa


Other objects in the blog and still more tasks in blog Aquí va un chiste

relacionado, si a ver lo Pillan:

The phone rings. "Can I order from you a table?" The waiter replies, "How many times do I have to still say that we sell no furniture?"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Kind Of Weave Does Rihanna Have

"untie" February 18, 2011

Given the interest shown by many people who missed the previous day, it has decided to celebrate the 18 th of February, with the same speakers and topics.

*** Click here to download the PROGRAM of the Day
(schedules, speakers, topics, venue, etc)

*** Click here to download the REGISTRATION FORM
(fee, registration form, bank account, etc)
Location Hotel Jerez

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Patty Manterola Encuerada


Over several years the members of the Cultural Association "Pola de Salas' has been prepared with great dedication and affection a beautiful book of old photographs on Salas will help us better understand our past and origins of our society.

unprecedented effort could not be so great, so our Friends of Landscape Chambers has decided to participate in the edition of this book, many of whose authors belong AMISAL also and we have proposed, given the paucity of our finances and the magnitude of the effort, making this book by public subscription, financed those interested in owning it for enjoyment and gift.

So when the book is on the verge of going to press, we ask all interested in acquiring copies that they pay those who wish to purchase in order to cope with their bill.

is indispensable for us, which from now, he's interested in us of the number of copies to be acquired. We estimate the price will be EUR 25.

The book has about 240 photographs old.

When booking copies are not only acquiring a beautiful book, but helping to perform a beautiful work of meeting rooms with their past.



We have removed the photographs accompanying this text as an expression of our dissatisfaction regarding the unauthorized use, and without citing the source, which here means contained in social networks by people outside this Association.