Salas, a town founded by Alfonso X the Wise and Puebla de Salas on the shores of the river Nonaya, houses, ent re other prominent mostly medieval monuments, the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, built in 1549 on the initiative of Archbishop Fernando Valdés Salas to house his burial and that of their parents. It is Gothic Renaissance and later added to the XVI and XVII. highlights the Bishop's Mausoleum, one of the most important group of sculptures from Spain signed by Pompeo Leoni. Renaissance sculpture of the late XVI century alabaster Inquisitor represents the clergyman, founder of the University of Oviedo, surrounded by the virtues that guided his life according to his dictation chiseled. On both sides of the altarpiece, the seventeenth century, the tombs also carved by Pompeo Leoni's Don Juan and Doña Mencia, parents who was Archbishop of Seville. Inside, endowed with exceptional acoustics and grateful, took place on December 3 a piano recital by the Oviedo Sonia Suero Mangas (December 1983), a talent more than the inexhaustible piano Conservatory of Music "Eduardo Martínez Torner" in the Asturian capital.
The program, ambitious, was comprised of works by Scarlatti, Schumann and Chopin.
The pleasant evening began with the pre-classical composer sonatinas D. Scarlatti K. 113 The M and K. Sol M. 13, as part of the 555 that the Neapolitan musician composed , essentially being all in one movement, divided into two equal parts, cover a surprising range of musical expression and formal invention.
The greatness of the sonatas of Scarlatti is its wealth of musical motifs in all the figures of musical rhetoric. Highlights of its activities, variety in rhythmic and melodic invention and almost diabolical skill in using all the capabilities of the instrument. At first glance, the neat and tidy writing his sonatas would think that the execution of these works is relatively simple. Nothing is further from the truth. The clarity of his staff hides terrible hardship for the musician who interprets them. Some contain changes hands, jumping octaves, arpeggios complicated and lightning-fast scales.
As for the pace, his keyboard works are animated by a lively and varied, with a notable influence of the rhythm of popular tunes of English music. On many occasions we hear rhythmic cells that could be defined ostinati that run the length of the sonata and recall the pulse of flamenco guitar. Are heard in key repeated notes plucked string instruments and castanets percutidas repeatedly.
The young pianist piano taken from the clarity, tant or sound like the different joints that characterize this type of pieces, as well as a good use of the pedal with subtle but magnify faint the final result, which allowed him to display its excellent efore musical talent.
was followed Papillons Op 2 ("Butterfly") very famous masterpiece R. Schumann, eg the fusion between literature and music composition. Composed for piano, consists of several dance scenes inspired by a costume party, and each dance is about to portray different characters and are not related to each other, except the last. It is inspired by the last scene of the play Flegeljahre (Age ungrateful) of Jean Paul Friedrich Richter, mixing with a special festive character feeling melancholy.
is no doubt that Schumann's contribution to the repertoire of the piano is crucial for its level of ca ity unusually high. Has imposed itself as one of the composers of the Romantic reference. His temperament overwhelming and almost morbid sensibility is developing They develop based on fleeting feelings, mood swings, literary influences, being possible thanks to their understanding through immersion in the subjective world of the composer. His compositions are a fantastic profile and capriciously willing to reaffirm a secret poetic journey. Work
it in which I could see the split personality of the musician Saxon. Carnaval Op 9 anticipates even the first piece (a simple waltz or binary form) will be cited in No. 6 of Carnival "Florestan."
The sensitivity of this second piece was defended with great ease and maturity by the interpreter, from the relentless legato cadences only by his agility and finesse. Beautiful interpretation, fidelity to the staff in every sense, courage and commitment.
was missing the best. The
is second part was the center of the large F. Chopin. Undoubtedly, the most talented pianists in music history. His music is designed, created and felt from the piano. Ah ... .... Chopin!
Unlike Schumann was a composer entity strictly pianist, his music does not need extra-musical inspiration, nor literature, nor the nature of their represent anything substantial in the "literature" Chopin, the music itself is explained in terms of strict mus ical : harmony, melody, rhythm and timbre of sound. Chopin is also a poet, soul, songwriter, and nothing can match the joy that occurs when we sit at the piano and im PROVISA. His real home is the dream realm of poetry.
The first of two pieces performed was the Nocturno Op 27 n º 2 in M \u200b\u200b Reb , Which ranks eighth among the 21 who wrote the Polish musician.
The night is relatively short compositions into three sections, presenting a feature writing on the hand of court rejected a ring belcantístico, sometimes richly ornamented with trills, Fermat and other embellishments, such as special this night, resting on a smooth development in a steady stream of left-hand arpeggios, which in this case resembles barcarola pace. Derived from local romance Polish musician lead to the maximum height of poetry.
So Interpreting California was exquisite, full of sounds, I really felt and faithful reflection of a "piano school" special, demonstrating s of great sensitivity.
The concert ended with the Sonata op. 35 Bb minor the second of three that Chopin composed, four-movement work of great difficulty, both technical and interpretive a.
The funeral march was composed in 1837 as part alone. Two years later, compose the other three movements in one form or another are imbued with their somber mood.
The first movement begins with a dramatic call da chords followed by a first topic of an agitated, contained violence, paving the entrance to the second theme, whose first part is a lyricism and warmth, while the second retrieves the distressing nature of the first.
The second movement p ersiste in the tragic nature of the first, with a central trio, a lyrical slow waltz.
The funeral march in the quietest time of l to sonata, con un ostinato en acordes en la mano izquierda, surge un canto lúgubre con algunos lamentos que representan el terrible dolor por la muerte de un ser querido. El trío ce ntral es un nocturno en Re b Mayor de carácter tranquilo, melancólico y resignado.
Casi sin pausa comien za el Finale Presto, último mo vimiento de la sonata; es un moto perpetuo de tresillos en las dos manos que produce un efecto de ráfagas de viento en el marco de un cementerio, con un efecto muy inquietante y desolador.
En esta última obra, fue donde la joven pianista demostró más concentración security technique, with pleasure in the cantabile sections, living and transmitting the dramatic nature of which is imbued with this great piece of Chopin's genius. With an almost imperceptible touch of his fingers in some passages n get u colorful phrasing and accentuation accurate and transp arent.
All those fas cinating
melodies, that ineffable delicacy of execution, these melancholy and passionate inspiration and the poetry in the sound that instantly take over our imagination d and our hearts have captivated and moved to the listeners. Each time roaming the rooms Collegiate those electric chills, those murmurs of ecstasy and amazement that is the adoption of the soul.
As a tip, delighted the audience with a piece of G. Faure, "Improvisation" included within the "short pieces, rich performance full of nuances, very appropriately, in the romantic atmosphere, almost entirely, star of the show.
has been a real pleasure, a successful evening in a unique setting in which the young p demonstrated ianista Carbayon its high level of interpretation, perfection, ability to execute and deliver both e ntusiasman mote ye.