The development of civic associations and movements is essential for social progress. There are many activities and problems that can and must be approached from different associations in the council there and most are already doing at the level that each is proposed.
development partnership in chambers that level has attained sufficient importance to encourage us to call the FIRST MEETING OF ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF ROOMS .
In order not to let a mere declaration of intent, call on all associations to a meeting room at the Municipal Hall for multiple uses in the Plaza de La Vega on Thursday January 13, 2011 at 20 hours.
The overall objective of this meeting is themselves known and to establish cooperation between various associations in the terms that every one of them sees fit.
We believe that this contributes to strengthening the social fabric by making a more cohesive and able to cope with their activities and problems more effectively, for which there will be a presentation of associations, facilitating the postal and electronic addresses of each of them and phones, giving also to know the composition of the directives.
Then, we will exchange information on objectives, activities, problems and environment of each partnership through the intervention of one of its representatives.
Entry is free and can be continue in a friendly "pinchoteo"
After this first general call today we will be putting us in touch with all the associations that exist in the council of which we know of its existence and direction. Also encourage them to get in touch with us either electronically or by letter or telephone call or personal contact in order to achieve greater success in attendance to the event. There is a long period of time until the meeting called that can help support your success.
We believe that this can only redound to the benefit of all, because from the mutual knowledge and respect for the independence, autonomy and style of each partnership will have a society better able to address their problems and concerns.
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