A year and its eighth consecutive contest organized the German Christmas cookies. This year will be held on Tuesday 21 December at 18.30 h. The purpose of this voluntary activity is to bring to the classroom some of the German food culture, so they are the students themselves to develop their own cookies and bring them to class this day, to be submitted after the trial of those present and grant Cookie Award richer and better presented. The prize for the winner / a is the 4 th edition of the book and CD of German songs and stories, also developed by this department. For the less skilled in the kitchen, we invite you to participate in at least the jury, and so at least they go home and snack.
count on your participation. Any questions can I have one through the comments. Ganz liebe Grüsse an alle und Weihnachten fröhliche.
Here are two directions on where to find some of the many recipes Plätzchen. On this page the preparation is easily described. Of course, if they have questions can you ask for something in the "Kommentare". If anyone finds any other useful address provided to us all.
Plätzchen-Rezepte ; Plätzchen-Rezepte (2)
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